- What’s St@ndbyMe about?
Support practitioners in the field of adult education (i.e., teaching older persons the use of ICTs) and long-term care in building their capacity on how they can help older persons to meet their potential in digital participation, while protecting their rights to health, autonomy, independence, and privacy.

- What do we want to achieve?
- Increased knowledge on digital rights and development and application of digital human rights frameworks
- Increased capacity to design and develop capacity building activities targeting digital skills development of older adults
- Transfer and exchange of knowledge with practitioners and peers based all around Europe
- Increased awareness of digital human rights and the importance of their promotion
- Increased confidence in using ICT and digital tools.
- Active engagement towards peers and local communities.
- Understanding of importance of human rights framework in ICT use for and from older persons
- Access to innovative guidelines in the field of education on digital literacy for older adults
- A virtual community of practice that allows the exchange of ideas, solutions, and challenges among caregivers who work with older persons in their ICT skills development.
Survey on the provision of health and social care
to older persons
Are you a practitioner (e.g., nurse, social worker, personal assistant, informal caregiver, medical practitioner, etc.) providing health or social care to older persons? If so, please participate in the St@ndbyMe survey (available in 7 languages)
Survey on the provision of "digital" education
to older persons
Are you involved in teaching older persons (50+) the use of tech devices (e.g., smartphones, computers tablets, etc.) and internet services (e.g., email, e-shopping, e-banking, etc.)?
Then we would like to invite you to participate in the St@ndbyMe survey, which examines common perceptions, and the training needs of practitioners in adult education about digital rights, human rights, and the increasing technology use in the sector.
The "@" symbol in our logo represents our mission's digital focus and underscores our dedication to using technology to empower older individuals. The inclusion of a head and arms in the symbol, safeguarding a bird, represents our commitment to protecting human rights, promoting independence, and ensuring privacy as essential aspects of our project.
How will we do it?
The project will introduce a rigorous human rights framework in the training activities within informal settings for digital literacy among older persons. The proposed actions include a variety of local and international training activities for practitioners, educational material that can support their work, an enhanced community of practise, field-testing the resources, and promotion and dissemination of an intervention model applicable at European level.